Impact Of Poor HR Policies On Job Satisfaction Of Employees In Healthcare Industry

Challenges in the Healthcare Sector

Business organization has been working all together for their success in the market. Healthcare sectors have been getting more importance among all sectors in daily life. Human resource development of the healthcare sector has been helping in maintaining the customer service in the market (Correia, Dussault & Pontes, 2015). The use of proper human resource management system in the healthcare sector has been providing a descriptive approach in the development of healthcare services in the market. In current scenario, there have been decline in the employee retention rate in the healthcare organizations. Employers have not been behaving properly with the employees in the healthcare sector. There has been negligence in the HR policies in different organizations in the healthcare sector.

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The challenges in the healthcare sector have been discussed in the research. Business organization has been helping in maintaining a keen approach in development of healthcare services in the market. The healthcare professionals have been providing proper care services to individuals. However, there has been decline in the employee satisfaction level in the organizations (Olivier et al., 2015). There have been various factors affecting the employee satisfaction in the healthcare sector. These factors have been discussed in the research. There are various strategies prepared for mitigating these HR issues in the healthcare organization. Therefore, this has been able to show human negligence in HR department of the healthcare organization. Therefore, it has been able to show that healthcare professionals are not happy with the HR policies and looking for change in the industry. The employees are not even aware of human resource policies and their importance in market.

The relationship between employer and employee of the organization is an important part for the organization. This relationship deals with development of the business in the market. The involvement of the two sides of the business has been important and must maintain a good relationship (Witter, Wurie & Bertone, 2015). There has been problem related to the relationship of employer and employee in healthcare industry. This research will focus on issues faced in the healthcare industry. There have been many issues found in healthcare industry. This research will focus on the awareness level of the employees in the healthcare sector regarding the HR policies.

This study aims at identifying the impact of poor HR policies on job satisfaction of employees in healthcare industry.

The objectives of the research have been provided below:

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  • To identify issues in the HR policies in the healthcare industry
  • To analyze about impact of unawareness about HR policies and its impact on job satisfaction of employees in healthcare industry.
  • To identify strategies to mitigate challenges in the HR policies and its effect on job satisfaction of employees in healthcare industry

Relationship between Employers and Employees in Healthcare Industry

The research questions have been mentioned below:

  • What are the issues in the HR policies in the healthcare industry?
  • What is the effect of unawareness about HR policies and its impact on job satisfaction of employees in healthcare industry?
  • How these challenges in the HR policies and its effect on job satisfaction of employees in healthcare industry be mitigated?

Human Resource Development has been an important issue in the healthcare industry. Different managers and administrators have been aware of the human resource policy. Therefore, they have knowledge regarding the written policy of the company. The use of human resource policy have been helping in maintaining a forward issue in the health care sector.  These factors have been helping in maintaining a leading approach in better performance of the company in the health care sector.  Employees in the healthcare sector have been facing problems related to the HR policy of the healthcare sector (Olson, et al 2018). The contribution to the development if the healthcare services have been followed by the employees in the healthcare sector.  Therefore, there have been better approach to the development of the companies in the healthcare sector.  The connection between employees and organizations have been important for the development if the healthcare services in the sector. Employees have been contributing to the development if the company in the market. The healthcare organization are aware about the contribution of the employees for providing healthcare services to the patients.

The discrimination in the healthcare sector have been supposed to be known by the members of the organization. Therefore, it is mentioned that the employees have been aware of the HR policies in the healthcare organization. The discrimination in the healthcare have been an issue in the healthcare sector. The backbone of development of organization have been the relationship with the employees in the healthcare organization (Bailey, et al 2018). Therefore, this refers that employees have been aware of the policies that have been beneficial for their career. Most of the employees claim that they that working and providing services they have been treated in the healthcare organization.  The use of the HR policies have been against their benefits in the hospitals. Employers have been always harsh to employees and they are not able to work for the benefits of the employees in the organization.  Employees have been showing commitment in their work as they have been always working for the development of the companies in the market.  The healthcare sector have been always an important tor in the market as most if the patients have been relying in their health issues. Employees have been looking for their career development in the private companies. The indiscriminative policies have been making things ore hash than it is.  Therefore, there will be deep analysis in the devilment of the employees job satisfaction in the healthcare industry. The use of the HR policies for the development of the career of employees have been essential in the industry. However, research shows that most if the employees have been still unaware about their HR policies in the healthcare industry. There are various strategies prepared for mitigating these HR issues in the healthcare organization. The service industry have been always loyal to their clients and customers.  Therefore, the client relationship has been an important part of the industry (Acharya et al., 2017). Private companies have been discriminate their employees for a long time period. Employees have been working more than their working hours. Companies have not been providing extra incentives to employees for their extra work.  ). There have been various factors affecting the employee satisfaction in the healthcare sector. Therefore, there have been compensation in the development of the companies in the market.  The use of human resource policy have been helping in maintaining a forward issue in the health care sector.  Then again preparing enhances the employability of the representatives and hence when appropriate profession progression or chances to utilize the scholarly abilities are not given; there are high shots that the worker may stop. These factors have been helping in maintaining a leading approach in better performance of the company in the health care sector.

Objectives and Research Questions

Social media have been a great platform for increasing awareness among the employees about the HR policies. Business organization has been helping in maintaining a keen approach in the development the healthcare services in the market. These factors have been discussed in the research. The healthcare professionals have been providing proper care services to individuals. However, there has been decline in the employee satisfaction level in the organizations. Companies might contact employees through socal media platform. Therefore, this has been able to show human negligence in HR department of the healthcare organization. Advancement and interior enrollment approaches assist workers with growing from inside. Therefore are various pages and sites that have been helping in providing knowledge about HR policies (Tang, et al 2018). Awareness about HR policies have been helping in maintaining a keen approach to the growth of the company.

The research will use a positivism philosophy in the study. There are two types of research philosophy including positivism and interpretivism philosophy. Positivism approach has been focusing on the theories and models related to the job satisfaction of the employees in the healthcare industry. Hypothetical approach will be followed by the researcher in order to gather knowledge about the topic. Interpretivism philosophy depends on the discussion with general people and individual an approach (Connell & Walton-Roberts, 2016). This inspires a sense of belongingness among the representatives, hence duty, both candidly and ethically. Therefore, positivism research philosophy will be used in the research study. There are two types of research approaches including deductive approach and inductive approach. Therefore, it has been able to show that healthcare professionals are not happy with the HR policies and looking for change in the industry. Deductive approach deals with the scientific approach to the research topic. It helps in focusing on objectives of the research. Deductive approach helps in deducting all the irrelevant resources in the study process. The use of deductive approach has been helping in maintaining focused approach in the development of the objectives and research questions. The inductive approach does not depend in the objectives of the research. It is based on the induction of various facts and theories related to the research topic.

There have been three categories of research design including explanatory, exploratory and descriptive research design. The explanatory research design deals with proper explanation of facts and information related to the research topic. The use of exploratory research design helps in maintaining a proper approach in the development of the exploration in the research topic (Wurie, Samai & Witter, 2016). However, in the case of the descriptive research design, it deals with the descriptive analysis of the research objectives and hypothesis created in the methodology. This approach helps in providing deterministic results of the study. Therefore, the researcher has used descriptive research design. Data Collection has been an important part of the research. Two types of data collection techniques are primary and secondary data collection techniques. Primary data collection technique deals with raw data and information that relates to the research topic. The use of the primary data collection includes conducting an online survey with several participants. In this research, both primary and secondary data collection method will be used (Collard et al., 2015). An online survey will be conducted with the employees from health care industry to collect information related to awareness of the employees on the indiscriminative policy. The survey questionnaire will be created by using Google forms. All the questionnaires will be related to the unawareness about HR policies among employees and its impact on job satisfaction. The sample size of the online survey will be 50 employees of health care sector. 10 close-ended questions have been added in the survey questionnaires. Random sampling method has been used in the research to collect samples from population. All the participants have been provided equal opportunity to be selected for online survey. There have been face-to-face interview conducted for three managers of the health care industry. There have been three open-ended questions asked in the interview. The researchers have been using proper ethical conducts and norms for the research.

Research Philosophy and Approach


Figure 1: Organization of the Study

(Source: Created by Author)

  • Chapter 1 will discuss about outline of research proposal as outlined in the assignment.
  • Chapter 2 will discuss about the major human resource development and issues in the healthcare sector in Australia
  • Chapter 3 will discuss about the literature review based on the poor human resource management in healthcare sector and its impact on the job satisfaction of employees.
  • Chapter 4 will discuss about the methodology followed in the research including data collection process and timeline of the study.
  • Chapter 5 will discuss about findings and analysis with proper summary of the research.

The budget for the research has been allocated as $5000 for completing the study within time period. The classification of the budget has been provided below:

  • The literature review will require around $1000 for analyzing and reviewing various online journals and articles based in the human resource development.
  • The Data collection will be allocated around $2000 for organizing primary online survey and interview with managers of the healthcare sector.
  • Data analysis will cost around $2000.

Task Name





Awareness of Employees on Indiscriminative Human Resource Policy and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction in healthcare sector

93 days

Mon 8/6/18

Wed 112/12/18

   Study Initiation

11 days

Mon 8/8/18

Mon 6/18/18

Research Requirements Analysis

2 days

Mon 6/4/18

Tue 6/5/18

 Research Topic Approval from Supervisor

1 day

Wed 8/6/18

Wed 6/6/18


Research Plan Charter development

2 days

Thu 8/7/18

Fri 6/8/18


      Research Framework

4 days

Mon 8/11/18

Thu 8/14/18


Draft Proposal

2 days

Fri 8/15/18

Mon 8/18/18


   Research Planning

21 days

Tue 8/19/18

Tue 9/17/18

      Research Team formation

2 days

Tue 8/19/18

Wed 8/20/18


      Research Requirement analysis

1 day

Thu 8/21/18

Thu 8/21/18


 Research Questions identification

4 days

Fri 8/22/18

Wed 8/27/18


Research scope

4 days

Thu 8/28/18

Tue 9/3/18


      Research Timeline

4 days

Wed 8/4/18

Mon 9/9/18


      Allocation of Resources and Time for the Research

2 days

Tue 9/10/18

Wed 9/11/18


      Research Initiation

4 days

Thu 9/12/18

Tue 9/17/18


   Research Development

26 days

Wed 9/18/18

Wed 10/22/18

Research Problems

4 days

Wed 9/18/18

Mon 10/23/18


Necessary Media access

1 day

Tue 9/24/18

Tue 10/24/18


      Online Library access

1 day

Tue 9/24/18

Tue 10/24/18


      Literary Sources selection

2 days

Wed 9/25/18

Thu 10/26/18


      Literature Review

4 days

Fri 9/27/18

Wed 11/1/18


Primary data collection

10 days

Thu 10/2/18

Wed 11/15/18


      Secondary Data collection

5 days

Thu 10/16/18

Wed 11/22/18


   Data Analysis

8 days


Mon 12/3/18

      Primary Data

4 days

Thu 10/23/18

Tue 11/28/18


      Secondary Data

4 days

Wed 10/29/18

Mon 11/3/18


   Research Evaluation

13 days

Tue 11/4/18

Thu 12/20/18

      Data Evaluation

6 days

Tue 11/4/18

Tue 12/11/18


Research  reflection

2 days

Wed 11/12/18

Thu 12/13/18


      Learning Outcomes documentation

2 days

Wed 11/12/18

Thu 12/13/18


      Issues Identification and Future Planning

5 days

Fri 11/14/18

Thu 12/20/18


   Research Closure

14 days

Fri 9/22/18

Wed 10/11/18

      All Activities completion

1 day

Fri 9/22/18

Fri 9/22/18


      Entire Research documentation

10 days

Mon 9/25/18

Fri 10/6/18


      Research and Learning validation

2 days

Mon 10/9/18

Tue 10/10/18


      Team Sign Off

1 day

Wed 10/11/18

Wed 10/11/18



Responsibility is a multi-dimensional logical develop. The expert responsibility alludes to an expert’s unwaveringness to the calling and ability to apply exertion to maintain the qualities and objectives of the calling. An expert like specialist may do well to give human services out of their anxiety for the calling alone. The viable usage of wellbeing administrations requires satisfactory participation from wellbeing experts. Such conduct prompts the worry towards patients, their relatives, peers and other wellbeing specialist organizations. It encourages group working and reinforces group working in associations. The helpful conduct is a result of expert and authoritative duty (Shamian et al., 2016). Thus, the nature of consideration in wellbeing part is subject to both expert responsibility and hierarchical responsibility. McCann et al., (2015) proposed a three-segment model of hierarchical responsibility.

At last, the standardizing segment alludes to workers’ sentiment of commitment to stay with the association. Full of feeling, duration and standardizing duty are seen as recognizable parts, rather than sorts of responsibility; that is, workers can encounter every one of these mental states to fluctuating degrees. Lopes, Almeida & Almada-Lobo, (2015) contended that normal to these methodologies is the view that duty is a mental expression that (a) portrays the worker’s association with the association, and has suggestions for choices to proceed enrollment in the association. Human Resource Management (HRM) rehearses like socialization, procuring hones, profession arranged execution administration, open employment posting and occupation exchange hones assume basic jobs in building representative responsibility. Through socialization forms directors can endeavor to encourage better representative comprehension of hierarchical qualities, standards and destinations (Saini et al., 2017), prompting authoritative responsibility of representatives.

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

(Source: Created by Author)

Reward frameworks and types of pay structures have their very own ramifications on duty. Long haul benefits and held advantages like provident store and annuity conspire (additionally including representative stock alternatives) and residency connected reward are helpful in evoking duration duty (Aveling et al., 2015). So also benefits like medicinal offices, instructive credits for youngsters and so forth., evoke full of feeling and standardizing responsibility of representatives. Execution evaluation that upgrade work lucidity  and include individuals all the while improve authoritative responsibility. Also, the motivation behind the examination procedure additionally impacts hierarchical duty.

Research Design and Data Collection

As per the social trade hypothesis the apparent interest in workers’ improvement is emphatically connected with emotional responsibility of the workers. So also inquires about  have additionally demonstrated that emotional responsibility intervenes the connection between the interest in workers’ advancement and aim to take off (Rubery et al., 2015). At the point when the workers’ see that the preparing program is exceptionally helpful in enhancing his or her aptitudes it might build the representative’s standardizing responsibility, since he or she may feel it is his or her obligation to return back to the association. Then again preparing enhances the employability of the representatives and hence when appropriate profession progression or chances to utilize the scholarly abilities are not given; there are high shots that the worker may stop. Advancement and interior enrollment approaches assist workers with growing from inside. This inspires a sense of belongingness among the representatives, hence duty, both candidly and ethically. Since improvement situated HR hones (HRD) are great devices to submit specialists to improve the nature of consideration, we trust that wellbeing part changes should think on HRD hones like never before in not so distant future. As needs be, the issue proclamations were:  

  • What is status of expert responsibility, authoritative duty and specialized abilities of wellbeing authorities in the State?
  • What are the attributes of human asset administration rehearses in the wellbeing area in the state?
  • How these administration hones are connected with expert and authoritative responsibility?

The responses to these inquiries are basic in planning and actualizing the wellbeing division changes.


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