50+ Criminology and Criminal Justice Research Topics

Are you a criminology student? Or maybe just looking for a perfect research topic in criminal justice and criminology? Look no further! In this article, we will show you various research topics in criminology and criminal justice fields.

1.Criminology vs. Criminal justice

What is the difference between the two?

Criminology studies the anatomy of crime. It deals with the causes, costs, and consequences of crime. On the other hand, criminal justice refers to the system by which justice is dispensed to criminals. It includes ways of detection, detention, prosecution, and punishment.

2.Criminology Research topics and Ideas

2.1.Types of crime Research Topics

1.Homicide: What motivates one person to kill another

2.Terrorism: prevention strategies and methods

3.What are the most common crimes in colleges, and how to prevent them?

4.Cybercrime: cyber fraud, bullying, hacking

5.Domestic violence: How to detect it and prevention methods

6.Causes and effects of juvenile delinquency

7.Ways to detect white-collar crimes and the prevention strategies

8.Robbery with violence: prevention policies, punishment, prosecution

9.Juvenile delinquency: prevention policies

10.Gambling in the US

2.2.Topics on Criminology theories

11.Strain theories: How society’s social structures lead citizens to commit a crime

12.Social learning theory: How a deviant behavior can be acquired through imitation

13.Psychological theories: How an individual personality corresponds with criminal behavior

14.Convict criminology: Ex-convicts take on criminality

15.Cultural criminology: Culture and criminality

16.Deterence theory: Punishment as a method of crime deterrence

17.Self-control theory: Self-control and criminality

18.Social disorganization theory: how neighborhood ecological characteristics influence crime rates

19.Rational choice theory: what motivates an individual to commit a crime

20.Critical criminology: Challenging false beliefs regarding crime and criminal behavior

2.3.Other Criminology Research topics

21.Causes of violence in society

22.Crime mapping as a method of mapping, visualizing and analyzing incident crime patterns

23.Experimental criminology: Its role in the advancement of criminological theory

24.Racial discrimination in the US court system

25.Serial killers: How media portrays them

26.Crime prevention strategies and programs

27.Reports and crime statistics: public surveys

28.Criminology as a social science

29.Role of media in reporting crime: facts or ideologies

30.Impact of social media on crime rates

3.Research Topics and Questions in Criminal Justice

Over 50+ Topics for your criminal justice and criminology research paper

31.Is the death penalty effective in crime deterrence?

32.Is eyewitness testimony really effective during criminal investigation?

33.Gender issues regarding capital punishment

34.The legal perspective of cybercrime

35.Role of forensic science in modern criminal justice

36.Decribe the criminal trial process

37.What are the rights of a criminal?

38.When do felony disenfranchisement laws apply?

39.Is extradition law fair?

40.Are the current US gun laws effective?

41.Are community corrections effective?

42.Who makes criminal law?

43.Sentencing: Its process

44.Ethics in Criminal justice systems: Unethical issues in law enforcement agencies.

45.The process of jury selection

46.Gender matters in the criminal justice system

47.Corruption in the criminal justice system

48.Pros and cons of Marijuana decriminalization in the US

49.Are supermax prisons effective?

50.The role of private enterprises in the public criminal justice system

51.Is the death penalty effective in crime deterrence?

52.Is there a relationship between crime, juvenile delinquency, and bad parenting?

53.False accusations: how can you protect yourself?

54.Is selective incapacitation an effective policy for reducing crime?

55.Community based policing: How is it effective in crime prevention?

56.Should the juvenile justice system be eliminated?

57.Challeges in the UK prison system

58.When is unwarranted arrest acceptable?

  1. Police brutality in the US

60.Can restrictive housing help to decongest prisons?

Now that you have checked the full list of topics choose wisely. Choose a topic based on your professor’s instructions and a topic that will give you high grades. Then conduct an in-depth analysis and find relevant materials on the chosen topic. Remember to draw a satisfactory conclusion. Good luck with your writing!

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