How to Avoid Mistakes in Essays


Mistakes to avoid when writing an essay

In most colleges and universities across the globe, essays are an essential part of their curriculum. Many students find it challenging to compose high-quality essay papers. Instead, they commit many mistakes in their essays and end up getting low grades in their academics.

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Here is a complete list of the most common mistakes students make and how to avoid them.

Stylist Mistakes


1.Word repetition

Do not use the same lexical sets. Instead, use synonyms and word substitutes to avoid repeating the same nouns or adjectives.

2.Too long or short sentences

Using long sentences makes it difficult for your reader to understand your essay. On the contrary, using short sentences can destroy the logical development of your idea. Have the right balance of both long and short sentences.

3.Too many passive structures

When using the passive voice in a sentence, your content sounds more impersonal and objective. On the other hand, active sentences are clear and direct. They are shorter and easier to read. To achieve the best results in essays, use both types but avoid overusing passive voice.

4.Sentences beginning with coordinating conjunctions

Using too many conjunctions at the start of a sentence makes your essay monotonous. Instead, use corresponding conjunctive adverbs like nevertheless, moreover, or however. They are appropriate in a formal context and have the same meaning.

5.Informal words and phrases.

Never use slang expressions and non-standard verb forms like gotta or wanna in your essays. Always check on your dictionary the proper word to use.

Structural Mistakes


1.Sentence errors

The most common sentence errors are fragments and run-on sentences.


They occur when you punctuate groups of words as complete sentences.

Fragments don’t have independent clauses and make your meaning unclear.

To avoid such mistakes:

  1. Incorporate the fragment into an adjacent sentence.
  2. Make the fragment to be a complete sentence by adding missing elements such as verbs and clauses.


1.2.Run-On Sentences

They occur when you combine two or more clauses without using the right punctuation. To correct them, add coordinating conjunction or divide run-on sentences into separate sentences.

2.Text structure errors

The common text structure error is an improper division of paragraphs. When you make text errors, you will not be able to convey your message effectively.

Content Mistakes

A well-written essay should have an impressive introduction,well-organized content, and a powerful conclusion.

To avoid them:

  1. Always write an essay that elaborates your ideas with relevant facts, concrete details, and specific examples.
  2. Write an interesting introduction that gives background information for the whole essay.
  3. Write a strong thesis statement that expresses your thoughts on the topic.
  4. Support your essay with clarified ideas and give appropriate examples.
  5. Write a powerful conclusion and emphasize the purpose of your essay’s content.


Grammar Mistakes


1.Noun form mistakes

Check on the rules regarding countable and non-countable nouns. Learn how to use determiners with singular and plural nouns.

2.Verb form mistakes

Make sure you understand the main grammar rules related to the use of stative and auxiliary verbs. Also, learn the correct use of the infinitive and modal verbs.


Pronouns always agree with the noun they refer to. Some indefinite pronouns can have both plural and singular forms. Others can have a singular or plural form only.

Vocabulary Mistakes


1.Misuse of homonyms

Many students commonly misuse the following homonyms: hear vs. here, its vs. it’s, and many more.

2.Wrong word form

When you write fast, you may likely write a word form that differs from what you meant to write. For example, you may write verb forms instead of adjectives. (disable people instead of disabled people). This can lead to an intended change of meaning.

3.Spelling Mistakes

After completing your essay, read it carefully, and correct any spelling mistakes.

Make a list of words that you’re likely to misspell and practice writing them again and again.

Punctuation Mistakes

Using correct punctuation is probably the most neglected writing skill. Many students even forget common punctuation such as full stop and comma, therefore, making their writing unclear and confused to the readers. Correct punctuation is crucial in college essays and research papers. Use punctuation marks to separate ideas and to clarify meaning. Make sure you understand rules regarding the use of commas, apostrophes, and hyphens to avoid punctuation errors.

In conclusion, I hope this essay writing tips will help you in your academics. If you need help with your essay, use our professional essay writing services. We will make sure to give you non-plagiarized,well-written, and high-quality papers

Writing an “A” essay is a very challenging task for a majority of students. Actually, it`s not odd at all that most students encounter a lot of problems on their way to successful assignment completion. They might feel some difficulties while starting their essays, structuring them, and choosing the appropriate writing technique. What is more, some students just can`t avoid failure at checking their own paper. If you recognize yourself in these lines, then you should just do your best and get some professional help. And we are always here for you

Our essay writing service is always happy to take some of this academic load off your shoulders.  . For more information, contact our support team. We are available 24/7.

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