How to Study Effectively During Holidays: 6 Effective Steps

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The winter holiday is the best time to enjoy with your family and friends.

What could be better? After all these challenges and problems in the year 2020, all of us need a break.

However, studying during school breaks can benefit you greatly as a student. Of course, you don’t have to spend all your time studying. Finding some time to study during this holiday can help you enjoy an easier start to the new semester.

Studying during holidays can be challenging and hard to concentrate on in a festive atmosphere, especially when you have to watch another Christmas movie from childhood on a streaming service.

So, how do you study during the holidays?. Here is a guide on how to be productive during the holidays.

💪1.Find the Motivation to Study

To find the motivation to study and keep it up throughout the festive season;

a) Decide what you have to learn or complete. Write down all tasks you need to complete. By doing so, you will be one step closer to completing your tasks.

b) Consider the consequences of not completing the tasks. What will happen if you don’t finish your assignments? Taking a moment to think about the consequences of not completing your assignment will motivate you to study.

c) Make a checklist of tasks. Write everything you need to do in a spreadsheet or any other format convenient to you. Going through completed tasks will motivate you.

d) Reward yourself. If you promise yourself a little treat for every completed task, you will be more motivated to study. You can reward yourself with just a small snack. Don’t go overboard with prices.

e) Take breaks. Set a timer on your phone or laptop as a reminder to take breaks while studying. By doing so, you will utilize your time effectively and avoid procrastination.

📆2.Plan Your Time Ahead. Holidays Can be fun

To organize your work, create a studying schedule. Planning helps you to have focus and discipline while studying. To be more productive over the winter break:

a) Find an appropriate time for studying.

Figure out when you’re most comfortable learning new information. Are you a morning or an evening person? Then, allocate enough time to study during your productive hours.

b) Make a study plan for every day.

like in school or college, try to study different subjects each day. By doing so, your brain will retain the learned information much longer. Plan on which topic you’re going to study on what day and follow your schedule. Prioritize your tasks and don’t try to do everything at once. Only in this case, you will achieve your academic goals.

c) Reserve time for breaks during the study sessions. Don’t study for hours without a break. Plan your time wisely. Include entertainment sessions in your schedule and make your holidays both productive and unforgettable. You can decorate your house or watch a Christmas movie with your family during your study breaks.

⛳3.Organize Your Study Place

To create a better study place at home, check on the following guidelines.

a) Do not study in your bed. Studying in your bed limits your focus. A comfortable environment will make you fell asleep and will doom your study efforts from the beginning. According to various studies, studying in bed damages your sleep. Your brain and body associate bed with rest and henceforth negatively affecting your sleep pattern. Your brain won’t stop thinking when you decide to sleep.

b) Find a suitable place at home where you will study. Find a proper chair and desk. Then place them in the quietest and most isolated corner of your house. Set up a computer station and arrange all study supplies properly. Make the place neat and organized by removing all the unnecessary kinds of stuff and materials.

c) Decorate the place. Please keep items you may need in the room and arrange them neatly. Items you may need include; textbooks, healthy snacks, writing supplies. You can even add some festive touches to your study areas, such as the Christmas tree or a small decoration on your desk. Remember, the main goal is to keep the study area as much comfortable as possible.

d) Remove all distractions. Begin by closing all unnecessary laptop tabs. Then keep away your phone and other electronic devices. You can kindly request your family members to leave the study place for better focus.

📻4.Listen to music

Benefits of Listening to Music include;

a) Helps to reduce stress and pain. Listening to music decreases the cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone. Music helps you to control anxiety. To control that pounding headache, listen to music as it helps the body ease the perceived pain.

b) Helps you to concentrate on your studies. Soothing beats or classical music can help you pay attention to the materials you are studying.

c) Boost your memory and mood. Music increases dopamine levels, which is responsible for your positive mindset. Through music, you become more relaxed and be able to memorize the material you’re studying.

d) Improves the functionality and performance of the brain. Proper background tunes may enhance your performance on cognitive tasks. You improve your emotional state by listening to music, then show better brain performance.

e) Helps students with ADHD. Certain types of music and tunes are beneficial to individuals with ADHD. They can increase their dopamine levels. Some of the helpful types of music for people with ADHD are classical, white noise, and binaural beats.

The best types of music when studying are;

Music without lyrics

Sounds of nature

Music that doesn’t provoke strong emotions

💻5.Study with Friends

In the year 2020, it is not possible to meet your friends due to lockdown measures laid by the government to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic.

However, you can stay in touch with your friends and organize group studying sessions together. Simply connect with your friends in Zoom and see how fantastic your studying session might be.

Why is it worth doing?

a) Zoom call and communication can help you stay focused on your studies. You can discuss different topics and issues with your friends through the zoom meeting.

b) Friends help you to minimize distractions. You won’t easily get distracted by other things such as social media once you connect with your friends. The online presence of your group mates won’t allow you to get distracted.

c) Discussions can help you understand the topic better. Through study groups, you can share your knowledge with your friends, therefore help you to comprehend the material better.

🎄6.Have Fun and Relax

The year 2020 was tough. Nobody can argue differently. Don’t miss your chance to relax during this festive season. Winter holidays assist you in refreshing your mind from all worries and anxiety accumulated throughout the year. So, plan your leisure time wisely and stay safe during the pandemic.

The following are some of the leisure activities for the upcoming winter break.

a) Watch educational youtube videos. You can search for videos that suit your interest, such as short documentaries about nature, the universe, or technological advancements.

b) Learn a new language. You can use the winter break to learn a new language and upgrade your personality. Some useful resources for new language learning are

Duolingo and Babbel.

c) Watch documentaries. You can find them on youtube or Netflix. Through this, you can expand your horizon and explore new things. On Netflix, I can highly recommend you to watch; Connected, planet Earth and Human nature movies.

d) Exercise. To stay healthy during the holidays, make sure you do some exercise every day. You can find some useful online workout resources from youtube videos.

e) Redecorate your room.

f) Read books.

g) Create a website. In this digital life, knowing web design is important. You can create a simple website, for example, your portfolio or personal blog during holidays. Who knows, maybe in the future it will become beneficial and profitable for you.

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